The Award

The International Ellsberg Whistleblower Award (EWA)

The award will be presented to individuals and organizations worldwide whose efforts have helped disclose information that significantly enhances free public or scientific debate, strengthening the public’s right to know and thus democracy. Their revelations will give the public the chance to participate in debates and decision-making processes on key issues that often affect society as a whole.

With this award, the international jury and awarding committees acknowledge the challenges whistleblowers and their allies face and shall help to make their voices heard. In the spirit of integrity and social, environmental, and political responsibility, the EWA is meant to demonstrate that safeguarding and supporting whistleblowers serves the public interest.

Daniel Ellsberg’s experience shows that whistleblowers and their supporters make invaluable contributions to the common good but are often at grave personal and professional risk for doing so, suffering from both economic and psychosocial consequences. It is therefore important that whistleblowers have networks of support that encourage them to act, assist them in the process of going public, and help them handle negative repercussions.

Therefore, alongside the award itself, the founding organizations aim to provide award recipients with additional support to navigate the aftermath of their whistleblowing and raise the profile of the honorees, and whistleblowing overall, through advocacy campaigns and public relations efforts. In doing so, they amplify the voices of those who courageously speak truth to power, fostering a culture that values transparency and accountability.

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is to honour and support individuals and organizations who courageously disclose information that enhances public or scientific discourse, thereby strengthening democracy and upholding the public’s right to know. With this award we recognize the challenges faced by whistleblowers and their allies, focusing public attention on the critical issues they exposed. By providing practical support, we help them to manage the repercussions of their whistleblowing.

Our vision is to create a global culture that celebrates and protects whistleblowers as vital contributors to the common good. This award wants to foster a world where truth and transparency are valued and where those who speak out against wrongdoing are supported and safeguarded. By amplifying the voices of courageous whistleblowers and their supporters, we envision a society that prioritizes political, social, economic, and environmental integrity, inspired by the enduring legacy of Daniel Ellsberg and his family.